
Resultados 2861-2870 de 5228
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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
1937Unter Napoleon in Spanien : Denkwürdigkeiten eines badischen Rheinbundoffziers (1787-1839) : Aus alten Papieren herausgegeben von Max Dufner-Greif / Karl Franz von Holzing ; aus alten Papieren herausgegeben von Max Dufner-Greif.Dufner-Greif, Max.
1924On the road with Wellington : the diary of a war commissary in the peninsular campaigns / by August Ludolf Friedrich Schaumann ; edited and translated By Anthony M. Ludovici.Ludovoci, Anthony M., ed.
1981An ensign in the peninsular war : the letters of John Aitchison / edited by W.F.K. Thompson.Thompson, W.F.K., ed.
1832A narrative of the peninsular war / by Lieut.-Colonel Leith Hay.-
1883'Twixt France and Spain : or. A Spring in the Pyrenees / by E. Ernest Bilbrough ; illustrations by Doré and Miss Blunt.Doré, Gustave, il.
1909South of France, west-half : including the winter resorts of Pau, Arcachon, Biarritz & Amélie... / C.B. Black.-
1894Vingt jours sur les côtes gasconnes : de la Gironde aux Pyrenées : Plages d'automne, villes d'hiver / par Constant de Tours.-
1912The passes of the Pyrenees : a practical guide to the mountain roads of the franco-spanish frontier / by Charles L. Freeston.-
1960I travelled through Spain / by Robert Hugill.-
1908Testamentu Zar ta Berrico condaira edo munduaren asieratic Jesucristo-ren Ebanjeliyoa Apostoluac eracutsi zuten arterañoco berri, Escritura Santuric atera ta / euskeraz Francisco Ignacio Lardizábal Zaldibico beneficiaduac len ipiñi ; eta Orkaiztegui-ko Patricio Antonio Apaizak zuzenduta orain berriro arguitaratzen diranak.Lardizábal, Francisco Ignacio de, trad.; Orcaiztegui, Patricio Antonio, dir.; López (Tolosa), imp.